Discover Why 3 Tricky Enemies Block You From Living Your True Purpose
Discover Why These 3 Tricky Enemies Could Be Blocking You From Living Your True Purpose
The major reason why I first began teaching and coaching were that I like to help people out, but I was also attempting to earn a decent living, be successful and productive, etc.
Soon, I found though that what really gave me satisfaction about being successful at teaching was when I noticed that I had an effect on people.
I began to notice that people would tell me that their lives were changing based on information I would teach them. Teaching became a little bit more about being in service than being financially successful, now I think of success far different than what I thought it was 20 years ago.
When people say “success” they usually mean achievement, yes? To “be” successful is to have enough money to do what you want (achieving freedom); be good at something and recognized for it (achieving significance); enjoy relationships, have a family (achieving emotional happiness and stability); do good and be respected in your community, etc., right?
Here’s the thing: I’m not saying all these things aren’t great, but they aren’t the true measures of success. My definition of success is quite simple: living your purpose.
Are you living your purpose? Do you even know what your purpose is?
All those other things we typically associate with success aren’t so much “successes” to attain as much as they are gifts that make us feel rather comfortable and happier. We do what we need to do to “get” what we want, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but my only concern is whether or not the “attainment” of these “successes” (i.e. desires that, sometimes, are not coming from our higher selves) is taking us away from living our purpose.
Some people’s purpose isn’t going to materialize in comfort and relationships, big houses and stuff. Some people’s purpose is to lead others through a sacrifice of such things, shaping the world beyond what they actually get to see in their lives. You can think of a few spiritual teachers who fit this bill, yes?
For me, I know my purpose has been and will continue to be helping people with information, education, and inspiration to really live from courage, purpose, and joy vs. fear, need and obligation. I do think that for most of us, we can live our purpose and enjoy the gifts, i.e. the “successes” that come with it.
I don’t believe any one person’s dharma (think of it as a life duty we’re born into) is more or less significant than another’s; they’re just different levels of intensification and vibration each of us puts out into the world.
I believe that when we are living our purpose–in truth and sincerity–we are just living out what was intended for all of us to be.
So I ask again…are you living your life’s purpose? Do you even know what it is?
If you don’t…well, first of all, you actually do. How do I know this? Because only you can know it! Nobody can tell you what that is; you have to figure it out for yourself.
However, I offer some advice for those whose purpose is still unclear to them. Recognize the three enemies that keep you from living your purpose: living from fear, living from need, and living from obligation.
I guarantee that as you really look at what it is you do in life, you will be blown away by what you observe. For most people, 90% of the time they’re living in fear, need, or obligation.
“Well, I have to do this (stay at a crappy job, for example).”
“I have to do it because (fill-in-the-blank).”
Those take you out of your higher self. They take you out of your zone. They take you out of your happiness. As real as those reasons may be, you won’t be looking for a solution if you stay attached to fear, need, or obligation.
So, how have fear, need, and obligation affected you and your life’s purpose?What insights have you gleaned along the way? What is your mission, anyway?
Click the link for an inspirational video
*Source Info T. Harv Eker