Sit down with a piece of paper and a pen and say, “What’s my vision for life? What do I want my life to be like? Where do I want to live? What kind of work do I want to contribute to the world? What kind of relationship do I want to build?”
That requires thought, brainstorming, and if you don’t know the answers to that, that’s okay, experience the world some more. Go sample different parts of the world, of your community, or ask other people how they discovered what they wanted in life. Start this journey, become a seeker of what your vision will be and the vision will suddenly start to coalesce and you’ll figure these things out.
Write the vision and engrave it so it can easily be seen. Habakkuk 2:2
Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:16
2. Believe in Your Ability to Figure Things Out
That is a life belief we all must have: The ability to know that with enough time, energy, focus, resources even, that over a period of time we can develop the knowledge, skill, competency, mastery of any area that we must succeed in. Ask and ye shall receive. Matthew 7;7
Be okay with the struggle, because you know in your heart and mind you will figure it out. You will figure it out and as you learn more from other people over a period of time, you’ll gain that confidence. As you figure things out, you develop competency. You develop your knowledge, skill, ability, talent, and mastery of life. It shall be done for you as you have believed. Matthew 8:13
3. Have Fun No Matter What, Following Your Dreams
As you have that vision, you have that dream, you have that desire, you’re going to have fun on this journey, even when it sucks, even when it’s difficult, even when you’re dealing with someone you don’t like, whatever you got, whatever you’re dealing with, just say you know what, I’m going to bring the fun. I’m going to bring the joy into this situation proactively. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
4. Be Patient But Persistent
Life might not be progressing as fast as it wants to be. Be cool that you’re not getting ahead as fast as you want to get ahead. Give yourself the patience and allowance to do a good job. It might take longer than you think it’s going to take. A lot of people beat themselves up because they’re in such a hurry.
The persistence of action and behavior is what gets you ahead. It has to be a rule of life if we’re going to have what we want. We have to be persistent towards our dreams and patient with ourselves. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. Galatians 6:9
5. Love and Respect Others Playing by the Same Rules
We’re all on this path of life. We’re all doing the best that we can. Loving and respecting other people is critical not only to our happiness and connection with the people that we care, it is critical to our destiny. It is critical to our legacy. It is critical to our legend. It is critical to our simple, everyday experience of the good parts of life. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Romans 12:10